School Blog, week ending 14th November

Knowledge Organisers and Homework Club. We know the difference that homework can make to securing students’ learning beyond the classroom and to their future outcomes. Our Knowledge Organiser approach allows students to revisit and embed classroom learning in readiness for their week 8 assessments each cycle as well as practising key skills and revision techniques. It is important that students plan when they will complete their 10 pieces of homework each week ensuring that all pieces are completed in readiness for checking in tutor time the following week (week 1 homework is checked in week 2 for example).
Homework Club runs every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday after school for 1 hour for those students who require a space to complete their homework with support from TAs should they need it. Homework Club is voluntary; however, some students may be directed to attend homework club if they are struggling to complete their homework to an appropriate standard. Should you have any questions concerning your child’s Knowledge Organiser please contact their form tutor in the first instance.
PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends) Update. Thank you to everyone who attended our recent PTFA Welcome meeting, I’m very much looking forward to working with you for the benefit of all our students! I know some of you weren’t able to attend in person, but please do get in touch – everyone is welcome!
We have already talked about potential new events, so if anyone has any suggestions, we are open to new ideas! The next opportunity to meet is at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is being held on 21st November at 7pm at school. Again, everyone is welcome! To find out more about joining our PTFA please don’t hesitate to get in touch! [email protected]
Our PTFA currently has two role vacancies – please click here to read more about the roles; PTFA Chair & PTFA Secretary. All members of our PTFA can nominate members for the vacant roles, please come along to our AGM on the 21st November.
Easyfundraising – Earn monies for Stone Lodge School when you shop online – at no cost to you! Click here to get started.
Congratulations to 11A who qualified for last term’s rewards breakfast for their outstanding house point total! The biggest house point contributors in the form are Melvin and Fraizer!
Ms Anderson, Head of Year 11 added “Student attendance for our targeted Period 8 sessions has been excellent. I am extremely proud of students’ mature and proactive approach to their GCSE preparation.”
Mrs George’s Year 10 Engineering students are currently working toward their Level 2 Vocational Award in Engineering. Students have progressed to the creation part of their NEA assessment (non-exam assessment). In the current module students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in using a range of engineering tools and equipment in order to produce and test an end product. To read more about the course and our Engineering curriculum here at Stone Lodge, please click here.
Year 7 Scientists have been exploring density and in this practical lesson conducted an investigation to measure for irregular solids. Students were able to successfully observe and measure the mass and volume of objects before calculating the density of a range of objects and recording their findings.
Y10 Careers Session – Insight & inspiration
Students were invited to choose from a range of guest speakers, giving students the opportunity to connect with professionals and create meaningful learning connections. These interactive sessions aim to inspire students about possible future pathways and what it might take to reach them as well as broaden horizons to see the world outside of their classrooms.
Areas available in this week’s session include – Marketing, Construction, University, Army, Mechanics, Forensics and Police.
Thank you to all our guests for sharing their time, guidance and expertise with our students – we’ve already had amazing feedback!
Jeorgia-Rose from Hertfordshire University
PC Trevatt and PC Andrews of Kent Police
Mr McCarthy of MCM Sales Agency
Miss Cogswell from Mazda
Mr Pierzchniak, Forensic Psychologist
Sergeant Garvie, MOD
Mr Louis Garner and Ms Naomi Ryan from Construction Youth Trust
News and Events – Stone Lodge School
SL6 Careers talk – Life at University delivered by Jeorgia-Rose from Hertfordshire University.
Please join me in congratulating our U14 Girls football squad on leaving the badge in a better place following their dramatic win this week!
During the 3rd round cup game Vs Sydenham High, Stone Lodge came through victorious on penalties.
Particular shout-out to Charlotte C for a solid performance both defensively as well as scoring a blinding goal from a free kick! Also, to Ava H for saving two penalties. Finally, to Tino M for determination in tackles, showing she may be small, but she sure is mighty.
An exciting week of SLS football fixtures continued this week with the boys teams taking part in both the Dartford District competition and the Kent Cup.
Year 11s travelled to St Pauls Academy in Abbey wood to win 1-0 and progress through to the next round. Goal scored by Pharell O
Year 8s beat Thamesview Secondary school 8-0
Year 10s Lost in the Kent cup to a strong Maidstone Grammar side – The Year 10s first loss in over a year.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our parents and carers who gave so generously to our Harvest Festival appeal on behalf of our local churches Stone Baptist and Eynsford Baptist.
Joel Schofield, Pastor at Stone Baptist Church sent the below message “On behalf of the churches and the wider team I wanted to share my thanks for the incredible generosity from the families of students at Stone Lodge School. Supporting families who are struggling, especially front-line groups in Ukraine, has been an ongoing work of our churches. We could never have believed support would still be ongoing at this point when we began sending support some two years ago. It is both humbling and encouraging to see the way the school community has stepped up and shown great generosity in meeting a profound need.”
I am delighted to share the news that Joshua J of 8H has been selected for the Central Cavaliers District Cricket Squad for the 2025 season. Joshua is a skilled and committed cricketer and we are delighted that his effort has been rewarded with selection for the district squad! Joshua plays his Club Cricket for Cobham CC and is a leg spin bowler. Congratulations Joshua, please do keep us posted! To find out more about Cobham Cricket Club visit @cobhamcricketclub on Instagram
In the Library this week, students are taking part in virtual events to commemorate Remembrance Day.
All Year 7 and Year 8 students watched a Remembrance Day film recorded by author Tom Palmer where he spoke about the importance of commemorating Allied airmen whose planes crashed in the countryside during the defence of Britain during the Second World War. Tom delivered his talk from the site of one of those air crashes.
Tom Palmer is the author of over sixty children’s books including 6 award-winning historical fiction titles. Our library lessons and all activities, this week and the week after, are based around his new children’s historical fiction adventure “Angel of Grasmere” , set in the English Lakes at the start of the Second World War. The book has been nominated for the 2025 Carnegie Medal for writing!
List of books recommended for Remembrance Day reading:
“Armistice Runner”, “After the War” , “Resist”, D-Day Dog” Tom Palmer
“Code Name Kingfisher” Liz Kessler
“The Book Thief” Marcus Zusak
“Saffiyyah’s War” Hiba Noor Khan
“The Shortest History of War” Gwynne Dyer
“Hitler’s Canary” Sandi Toksvig
“When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit” Judith Kerr
“Shadow”, “Waiting for Anya”, “A Medal for Leroy”, Michael Morpurgo
“Edgar and Adolf”, “When the Sky Falls” Phil Earle
“Pax” Sara Pennypacker
“Maybe”, “Once”, “After”, “Always”, ”Soon”, “Then” Morris Gleitzman
“Salt to the Sea” Ruta Septys
Please join me in congratulating Mr Carter (and his wife!!) on the birth of their gorgeous daughter Charlotte. Mr Carter was our IT manager here at Stone Lodge and is now the deputy head of IT at Trust level. As you can see from the photo, Charlotte has a very attentive and loving big sister to keep an eye on her!
Kent Council have asked us to share the below with our school community;
Kent Fostering and Supported Homes are looking for new carers and hosts to join our outstanding fostering community in helping to care for some of Kent’s most vulnerable children and young people.
Being part of our team you’ll receive excellent support, fantastic training opportunities and could really make a positive difference to a child’s life.
If you’d like to find out more please take a look at our website where you can watch this short film which we hope will inspire you to think about fostering with us.
It’s never too late to give a child a second chance to shine, become the person they can be, and make a difference.
For more information please give us a call on 03000 420 002, fill in our online enquiry form or sign up to our mailing list
Rewarding active travel! Stone Parish Council have shared the ‘Get Active in Ebsfleet’ poster, for more information please click here Ebbsfleet
Key Dates
PTFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is being held on – 21st November at 7pm at school.
Year 11 Art mock exam – 26 & 27 November
Year 9 Parents’ Evening – 28 November 4-7pm (in person)
Year 9 Grades Report sent home – 28 November
Year 11 Mock Exams – 2-12 December
Year 9 Careers Workshops – 3 & 4 December
Carol Service – Year 7A-D – 9 December 9.30am
Carol Service – Year 7E-H – 10 December 9.30am
SL6 (our sixth form) Open Evening – 12 December 5.30-8pm
Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 20 December 12.10pm finish
First Day of Term 3 – Monday 6 January
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett