School Blog, Week Ending 18th October

Exploring OS Maps in Year 7 Geography. In Year 7 Geography, students embark on an exciting journey to understand and use Ordnance Survey (OS) maps. These maps are essential tools for geographers, providing detailed information about the landscape, including natural and man-made features. Learning to read and interpret OS maps equips students with vital skills for exploring and understanding the world around them.
Year 7 started with learning Key Components of OS Maps such as Map Symbols, Grid References, Scale and Distance before moving to Contours and Elevation. To make the learning process engaging, Year 7 Geography lessons also include practical activities: In these photos Mrs Favata’s students were busy identifying map symbols and finding 4 and 6 Figure reference numbers. These skills not only enhance their geographical knowledge but also foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Understanding OS maps opens a world of exploration and discovery, encouraging students to engage with their environment in meaningful ways.
Students enjoyed a contour lines and relief activity, creating their own 2D representations of contour lines on a piece of paper indicating the heights above the sea level and if they were “steep or gradual slopes”; a special mention to Isla B who worked very independently and received a recognition certificate for her very good piece of work! Students went on to create a 3D model, cutting and sticking the different levels and noting the heights.
Special mentions also go to James B and Billie W for their excellent 2D representations and 3D models.
Year 11 GCSE Intervention Sessions. Every department provides wraparound support to ensure that our Year 11 students have the knowledge, examination techniques and confidence to achieve to the best of their ability in the summer exams. As part of this programme of support, subject intervention sessions have been scheduled from 3.30-4.30pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Additionally, our Business Department has scheduled sessions during half term. The targeted topic-based interventions are by invitation, and more will be offered as they become available.
Mr Matthew’s Geography interventions on a Tuesday after school are focused upon exam skills, honing our understanding of assessment objectives and long answers to maximise marks. Additionally, Year 11 GCSE Geographers have taken part in a series of master-class seminars to deepen understanding of key topics ahead of all GCSE mock examinations next term (2-13 December.)
In the Library we are celebrating Harry Potter Week. All students in Year 7 and Year 8 are taking part in Harry Potter themed virtual lessons hosted by Harry Potter star Evanna Lynch – Luna Lovegood in the film series!
Bloomsbury, in partnership with Twinkl and the Education team at Warner Bros Studio Tour London have filmed this event from within Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The Harry Potter lessons will continue next week, and are a fun and interactive way to share the magic of the Hogwarts world with our students. This week, Evanna Lynch guided children around various magical settings, including the iconic Great Hall and Diagon Ally in preparation for a creative writing activity that will take place next week. Then, she was joined by Jonny Duddle, Harry Potter illustrator, for a Hogwarts Castle draw-along.
What’s coming next? A Spell-Casting Session!
Year 7 Food Preparation and Nutrition students have learned the science behind shortening to make the perfect pastry. In this practical lesson students put their new skills to the test and made rustic fruit pies. I hope you enjoyed them!
Mr Boon, Teacher of PE has taught in local secondary schools across Kent, most recently Saint George’s Church of England School. “I am a fanatical about enhancing physical health. PE in schools boosts social skills, teamwork and positive mental health. I am a keen rugby player and am working in conjunction with Dartford Valley RFC to launch new rugby clubs here at Stone Lodge School. If any students are interested in finding out more, come and see me!” In the below lesson, Mr Boon is putting his Year 8 students through their paces! This cycle students have been working on passing and movement with and without the ball during football before moving onto attacking and defending play. It was a beautiful day to be out on the field – great work everyone! To view our Learning Plans and curriculum for all Year groups, please click here.
Our PE Department offer a wide range of Clubs and sporting activities over and above normal curricular lessons – from basketball to football and dodgeball to fitness, there are plenty of options! The below photos are from Miss Rutt’s trampolining club – everyone is welcome. For more details on our clubs please check the boards in school or click here to see the full programme.
Bethany V 10F (pictured below left) has been leading with netball club on a Monday and has been incredibly supportive of the other students. Bethany plays for London Pulse and has been sharing her knowledge and netball tips with the girls who have been attending! Bethany has also had support in leading from Eva O 9B (pictured below right). Well done and thank you girls!
Bethany competes at the highest level in the Netball Superleague with London Pulse. To find out more about London Pulse please click here.
Careers Programme. Year 10 students took part in an Understanding Apprenticeships Talk delivered by specialist providers, the ASK Programme. Students discussed the different level apprenticeships offered as well as the huge range of opportunities available and the National and local organisations that offer them. To view the presentation please click here
Year 9 Careers workshops – Greenwich university’s new ‘Make It Make Sense’ initiative aims to enhance the educational opportunities for young people across London and the Southeast. Working in partnership with Charlton Athletic Community Trust; the scheme aims to deliver impactful outreach activities to young people across schools in local communities to support attainment and equip our students with key skills to progress further in their education and into the world of work with the self-belief that any career is possible.
We have scheduled 3 different workshops – each form has one lesson for each of these areas:
- Financial literacy and problem solving
- Career exploration and role modelling
- Qualifications and Personal development
Our SL6 correspondent, Year 13 student Harvey has contributed the below item;
Career Programme session. Year 13 students took part in a mock interview assessment centre. The training was delivered by specialist provider specialist providers, the ASK Programme, and included interview scenarios typical in both degree apprenticeship and job recruitment processes. The group indirect interview environment (typical in early stages of apprenticeship interviews) allow applicants to demonstrate communication skills, creative thinking, working to a brief and deadlines as well as team engagement. My group was given a whisk handle and then challenged to repurpose the item to fulfil a different function and be able to plan, present and articulate the new vision for the item! It was a really thought-provoking task and I’m glad we had this opportunity to familiarise ourselves with potential interview styles that we are likely to face as we pursue our career pathways. The one-to-one interview tips and techniques followed the STAR Interview Method.
STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, and this method helps us create structured, concise, and engaging responses to behavioural interview questions. Particularly useful whenever we need to tell a story to demonstrate our skills. It wasn’t as intimidating as it sounds! We role-played mock one-to-one interviews using the STAR method and quickly adapted to creating engaging answers to increase our chances of being successful!
Year 12 NCS Residential Trip. A group of Year 12 students attended an NCS residential trip at Grosvenor Hall in Ashford as part of their sixth form induction. They had the chance to immerse themselves in some new activities and bond as a team whilst supporting each other with new challenges and experiences. It was great to see their improved confidence and resilience as they embarked upon some adventurous challenges. It will certainly be an experience that they remember. We were all impressed with their perseverance and determination – well done to this group of sixth formers being prepared to challenge themselves and go beyond their comfort zone.
Our Year 13 Sports students participated in a football tournament hosted at Ballerz outside Bluewater Shopping Centre. This experience was incredible, and it was even better to achieve 1st place and being gifted the winner’s trophy!
Mrs Bradley, our First Aid Coordinator, offers medical support and advice to our whole school community. Mrs Bradley is always ‘on call’ responding to medical issues across the school, helping students and staff alike! Pictured below, Mrs Bradley provided emergency care to our Premises Manager who had accidentally cut through two tendons in his hand! As always, Mrs Bradley provided calm, first-response care, tending to the injury and reassuring Mr Gadd as they waited for the ambulance. Following surgery, Mr Gadd has now returned to ‘light duties’ … and is incredibly grateful that Mrs Bradley (his hero!) was so quick to provide the necessary care until the paramedics arrived!
If you would like to discuss your child’s medical or dietary needs please email [email protected]
As we approach the end of Term 1 Hawking is leading the House Point tally! Congratulations to the highest performing forms in every year group;
Huge congratulations to Mr Hedger and Ms Maxwell, on the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Henry Angus Hedger! Henry was born on the 10th of October – a little earlier than expected. They are all very happy and settling in well! We are very much looking forward to meeting Henry in person!
PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends) Update. Thank you to everyone who attended our recent PTFA Welcome meeting, I’m very much looking forward to working with you for the benefit of all our students! I know some of you weren’t able to attend in person, but please do get in touch – everyone is welcome!
We have already talked about potential new events, so if anyone has any suggestions, we are open to new ideas! The next opportunity to meet is at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is being held on 21st November at 7pm at school. Again, everyone is welcome! To find out more about joining our PTFA please don’t hesitate to get in touch! [email protected]
Harvest Sunday … can you help? Eynsford Baptist Church are arranging a charitable collection – if you are able to spare any of the below items, please could you drop them off at the main office by Friday 25th October. Thank you!
Forthcoming Dates;
Year 10 Careers Insights – 24 Oct
Year 13 Grade Reports home – 25 Oct
Last Day of Term 1 – 25 Oct
First Day of Term 2 – 7 Nov
Year 10 In Class Assessments – 11-15 Nov
Odd Socks Day Chrity event as part of Anti Bullying Week – 13 Nov
Year 10 Art Trip to National Portrait Gallery – 14 Nov
PTFA AGM – 21 Nov 7pm
Year 9 Parents’ Meeting – 28 Nov 4-7pm (in person)
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher