Stone Lodge School admission arrangements
Stone Lodge School is a non-selective 11-18 free school. With a strong emphasis on self management and high expectations of outstanding achievement for all, Stone Lodge is the perfect choice for parents and students who are looking for an innovative approach to learning.
Admission number(s)
The school has an admission number of 240 for entry in Year 7.
The school will accordingly admit this number of students if there are sufficient applications. Where fewer applicants than the published admission number(s) for the relevant year group are received, the Academy Trust will offer places at the school to all those who have applied.
Application process
Applications for places to start in Year 7 must be made through your Local Education Authority using the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF). Your son/daughter’s primary school will have copies of your LEA Admission to Secondary School booklet which provides information on the admission process for transfer from Year 6 to Year 7.
Applications can be made on line through your LEA website or using the SCAF.
Admissions to Year 7 for Stone Lodge School are co-ordinated by Kent County Council (KCC). Information regarding admission to Kent schools is found here.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 31st October 2024. Forms received after this date will be treated as late applications
Offers will be made by your local education authority 3rd March 2025.
For more information please refer to the Stone Lodge Admissions Arrangements Document on this page.
Please see the document list below Information about Secondary Transfer appeals.
Key Dates
Thursday 31st October 2024 | Submit your Secondary Common Application Form to your Local Authority |
Monday 3rd March 2025 | National Offer Day: emails sent after 4pm and letters sent 1st class post |
Monday 17th March 2025 | Deadline for late applications and waiting list requests to be included in the Kent County Council reallocation stage. Also the date by which places should be accepted or declined to the school |
Monday 31st March | Deadline for lodging appeals |
Thursday 24th April 2025 | Kent County Council to reallocate places that have become available from the school's waiting list. The school will maintain the waiting list from this date. |
At Stone Lodge our approach to safeguarding is child-centred and we consider at all times the best interest of the child. The following overview outlines our commitment to provide a safe environment in which children can learn.
Mr Dunscombe is the designated safeguarding lead, he provides support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and liaises with other agencies such as children’s social care. Miss Waghorn is the Safeguarding Manager.
Mr Barnett is also a safeguarding lead and together with the Deputy and Assistant Head Teachers regular meetings are held to discuss any ongoing safeguarding or welfare concerns, offering support and guidance where necessary.
All staff members receive safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. In addition, all staff members receive safeguarding and child protection updates.
A central record is kept of all adults who either work in the school or who help as volunteers with details of DBS checks in place.
Any visitors to the school are required to report to the office to obtain a named visitor’s badge which clearly displays the names and photos of the safeguarding team and a procedure for reporting concerns.
Senior members of staff involved in the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff have received recognised training in safer recruitment, and have put in place appropriate procedures to ensure that appropriate checks have been made before appointments are taken up.
All staff, including non-teaching staff know the procedures for reporting safeguarding or welfare concerns
All students understand the importance of safeguarding issues and have been introduced to the members of the safeguarding team through form time PSHE sessions. They too, are aware of how to report safeguarding or welfare concerns about themselves or others.
All students are aware of the importance of e-safety and have received guidance from the IT department and through assemblies and PSHE on safe use of the internet.
Online safety is a key, but challenging, part of parenting. The NSPCC provides some valuable information about how to talk to children about their habits and activities online and also how to monitor what they are up to. This information can be found here.Teaching Your Child about Internet & Online Safety | NSPCC. Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
Delivery of relevant and current safeguarding issues are addressed and delivered through a mapped programme of PSHE both during focus days and form time activities.
The student council will discuss issues surrounding safeguarding and student concerns and feeds back to the Senior Leadership Team on a termly basis.
Safeguarding Team
Who can I speak to if I am concerned or worried about something?

Mr Dunscombe
Safeguarding Lead

Miss Waghorn

Mrs Artmann
Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Tiddy
Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Bain
Pastoral Wellbeing
Manager (Y7)

Miss Dawes
Pastoral Wellbeing
Manager (Y8)

Mrs Schofield
Pastoral Wellbeing
Manager (Y9)

Mrs Wenham
Pastoral Wellbeing
Manager (Y10)

Miss Gibson
Pastoral Wellbeing
Manager (Y11)
You can also email the Safeguarding Team
Email SafeSpaceIf you are concerned about a child who may be in danger and the school is not open and you cannot make contact with a member of the senior team or the DSL, you can contact social services for support using the following methods:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 03000 411 111

Here you will be able to find all the latest information on both internal and public examinations at Stone Lodge School. General examination dates will be added to the school calendar and more detailed timetables will be uploaded as soon as they become available.
JCQ Guidance
Post Results Services – please click on the below links for more information
For information regarding how the awarding bodies use student data please see the GDPR information on their respective website’s via the links below.
Joint Council for Qualifications Documents
Below are the links to JCQ information for candidates’ notices relating to GCSE/GCE qualifications as issued to the students at the beginning of the academic year:
Year 7 Transition Information
I hope you and your child enjoyed our recent events which were designed to ensure a successful and exciting transition to Stone Lodge this September.
Mr Proctor, Head of Year 7 has prepared a range of important information regarding school life and expectations for you and all new students. For reference, all key information shared at the events can be found on this page.
The Year 7 Induction Booklet, which contains everything you and your child needs to know about joining Stone Lodge School can be read by clicking the below image

To view the Student Summer Transition Booklet, please click the below image

“We are all justifiably proud to share the findings of our first Ofsted report. The report highlights outstanding practices across our school with an overall ‘Good’ finding which mirrors the incredible feed-back we have been receiving from our families since opening in 2019 – summed up in the student comment “This School is like coming home”. The full report is testament to the commitment, passion for education and ‘heart’ of every one of our school’s staff. We are hugely ambitious for every child in our care believing every child deserves a ‘successful life’ and as we continue to develop we will build on that promise to our local community.”
Gavin Barnett, Head Teacher