Graphic design is the art of visual communication. If you’ve ever been struck by a poster, an ad, a website, or even the packaging of your favourite products, then you’ve been influenced by good graphic design. It’s all around you!
Graphic Communication introduces students to a visual way of conveying information, ideas and emotions, using a range of graphic media, processes, techniques and elements such as colour, icons, images, typography and photographs. Students should conduct primary and secondary investigations during their design development and explore traditional and/or new technologies. They should also consider the use of signs and symbols, and the balance between aesthetic and commercial considerations. Students will also understand that Graphic Design practitioners may work within a small team environment or work as freelance practitioners. They may be responsible for a particular aspect of the Design or Production process or for the entire design cycle. They will need good communication skills in order to liaise with clients and to promote themselves as graphic designers.
Years 10 & 11
Through GCSE Graphic Communication students will design and generate products with creativity and originality,using a range of graphic and modelling materials.
By studying GCSE Graphic Communication for the next two years you will learn how:
- To use specialist practical skills
- To gain a higher understanding of the formal elements used within design
- To use variety and diversity in your thinking, and develop critical appraisal and analysis in your work
- To record ideas, make experiments, show analysis and produce outcomes
- To develop a subject specific vocabulary, and learn how to use graphical design terms
- To be able to discuss the work of designers, techniques and values of design
- To build upon your sketchbook skills and extend presentational techniques and recording work from
your art/design lessons at KS3
A lot of the work will be computer based, so it may well appeal to students with aptitude in this area. Students
with an interest in contemporary design and imaginative flair should do very well on this course.
GCSE Graphic Communication (Edexcel exam board) consists of two internally assessed and externally moderated components.
● Component 1: Personal Portfolio (internally set)
● Component 2: Externally Set Assignment.
Related Careers
Where can this qualification lead?
As this qualification is a GCSE it will count towards points towards any college application for different courses. The creative industries contribute over £100 billion to the UK economy each year. Creative industry employment opportunities are in growth year upon year. A qualification in Graphic Design can lead to a career within advertising, fashion, marketing, web design, games design, animation, architectual design, illustration, branding, multimedia, digital marketing and many more!