SL6 Sixth Form Admissions Announcement
After careful consideration of several factors, we will not be offering post-16 courses at Stone Lodge School for September 2025.
Our Sixth Form will be recruiting again for September 2026 intake and beyond, once there is greater clarity from the government around post 16 qualification reform.
We care about you as an individual and we want to assist you along this exciting journey, success is not the same for everyone and we understand that. As a school we pride ourselves on the connections we make to support you with a wealth of inspirational speakers from a range of sectors. Our vast range of links to local as well as London based employers, universities provide tips and tricks affording you an insight into making the next steps to university, apprenticeships or employment.
Our guiding principles at SL6 are built upon four pillars, each designed to pave the way for your success:
• Our Careers Programme. It is destination-focused and tailored to suit each individual student.
• Our curriculum. It’s carefully designed to meet the needs of our students, providing them with the qualifications and transferable skills required for adult life in a competitive modern workplace.
• The Stone Lodge culture of skills development. We care deeply about each individual’s journey and are dedicated to their success.
• Networks, giving our students a competitive advantage.
Late Applications
Thank you for considering Stone Lodge Sixth Form for your future Sixth Form journey.
Last week we had record results for our Year 13 leavers, and we look forward to meeting you to explore how we can assist you on your next step.
Please note we are only running the following courses, and all entry requirements must be met:
Business A Level, English Literature A Level, Politics A Level, Psychology A Level, Sociology A Level, Sport BTEC, Double Engineering BTEC.
If you are interested, then apply using this link
SL6 Open Event
Explore the vision and promise of SL6, and the four pillars designed to pave the way for your success.
LEARN MORESL6 Electives Programme
Stone Lodge Sixth Form SL6, in conjunction with the Wilmington Grammar WG6 offer an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities and groups.
The Electives programme is designed to develop the skills and attributes students need to maximise their potential for future success and provide opportunities for enhancing personal statements and CVs, as well as having fun and building relationships! The wide selection of electives allow students to choose from career/subject linked activities and life skills for success beyond school and sport clubs.
The electives run in three blocks of 10 weeks, the availability of individual electives in each block may vary.

Click the above image to view the Electives Booklet
SL6 Dress Code
A dress code is important as it helps to ensure there is parity for all students and it ensures there is respect for the whole school community. Dress code and appearance of sixth formers must reflect the senior position in school and it therefore needs to be decent, safe and appropriate to a school setting. This may mean that this is very different to the choices adopted in your personal life.
• Students must wear a plain, matching business tailored 2- or 3-piece suit (in colours black, blue or grey) with a collared shirt and tie or blouse or round necked top. Girls may also wear tailored dresses with a black jacket.
• A matching, plain suit jacket must be worn at all times around the school site. An exception will be made in very hot weather.
• Shoulders and midriffs should be covered. There should be no large logos.
• Tailored skirts and dresses need to be of an appropriate length, just above the knee as a minimum.
• V-neck jumpers are permitted along with jackets but not instead.
• Smart black or brown shoes should be worn – no boots or trainers. Headscarves are not allowed – except for religious reasons.
• No extreme coloured hair. Any extensions or dyed hair needs to be of a natural colour.
• No hoodies, denim, leggings, short tight fitted skirts or strappy tops should be worn.
• Make-up and jewellery (including earrings) should be discrete. No visible body piercing or tattoos are permitted. • • Only clear nose studs will be permitted.
• No outdoor coats or earphones to be worn inside buildings or to assemblies. Outdoor coats should be black, blue or grey and smart and formal.
• SL6 lanyard, & ID badge must be worn at all times for safeguarding.
• An exception will be made for practical lessons where suitable change of clothes will be permitted as necessary for individual lessons only. Students will change back to the above formal business wear after the practical lesson is completed.

Sixth Form Bursary
In 2011-2012, the government launched the 16-19 Bursary Fund (known as the Sixth Form Bursary Fund). The Fund is to provide financial support to disadvantaged students in order to assist those students overcome specific barriers to their participation to ensure they remain within education.
After meeting the eligibility criteria, in order to receive payments from the Bursary Fund, students must meet set criteria on attendance and punctuality, standard of work and behaviour.
The Sixth Form Bursary Fund is formed of two elements:
£1200 Vulnerable Student Bursary payments for groups of students who meet any of the following criteria:
• Young people in public care,
• Recent care leavers,
• Young people directly in receipt of income support or Universal Credit in place of Income Support (not via their parents)and
• Disabled students in receipt of Employment Support Allowance (or Universal Credit) and Disability Living Allowance.
Discretionary Bursary payments will be available to students who qualify for free school meals.
Additional Criteria for Receiving payments
• Attendance & Punctuality – 95-100% attendance and punctuality to all required registration sessions and lessons as stated on your timetable. This is monitored by registration records and your teachers recording absence or unreasonable lateness to lessons.
• Standard of work – Subject teachers must be satisfied that sufficient progress is being made on all A Level and BTEC courses that you are taking. This includes the completion of all homework/coursework to a satisfactory standard.
• Conduct – General conduct around the school will be taken into account. This includes providing a good role model for younger students, making appropriate use of study facilities provided by the school and maintaining a respectful attitude to all members of staff and other students.
Application Process
Please apply for Bursary by 27th September 2024 by clicking –here
Email any evidence to [email protected]
Initial claim period: 29th October – 24th October 2024
There will be three other claim periods available to students to review their spending:
25 November to 13 December 2024
13 January to 31 January 2025
10 March to 28 March 2025