School Blog, week ending 9th January

Welcome back, another exciting year is upon us, and it’s filled with endless possibilities. Students, embrace this time to expand your horizons, both academically and personally and continue to build strong relationships with your teachers and classmates, as they are your support system. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Whether it’s a new subject, a club, or a sport, these experiences will enrich your school life. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude and remember that your dedication, hard work and resilience are key to overcoming any obstacles for a successful and fulfilling year. Your school is a place where you can be yourself, explore your interests, and build a foundation for your future.
Let’s make this new year a journey of discovery and achievement!
Whilst we believe that the learning we do together is, in itself the greatest reward for us as we grow each day, it is always lovely to recognise and celebrate the hard work and learning that we value so much. The senior leadership team hosted a breakfast for those who were nominated for the Head of Year award. Staff and students enjoyed a breakfast while discussing the highlights of their year and their hopes for the future. Over 700 awards have been presented in celebration of attitude to learning, and positive contribution to our school community, nominated by staff across the school. All students have been working to gain house points this term contributing to the overall House Point total. 100 of our students have reached the Bronze Award gaining over 100 House Points since September, congratulations to all of them.
Students who were nominated by their Head of Year enjoyed breakfast with the Senior Leadership Team. Over the breakfast they discussed their favourite things about the school, and ideas about how to make it even better. Future careers aspirations were discussed and everyone left knowing a little more about each other.
Pictured, a Year 10 Celebrations Breakfast with members of the Senior Team and Year 9 students ahead of their Achievement Assembly at the end of last Term.
Year 9 students visited Temple Hill Community Centre in support of the Healthy Living Centre Dartford, which is run by one of our parents. The charity held six Community Christmas Lunches to share some much needed Christmas cheer. Students entertained the residents of the local community while guests tucked into their festive dinner supplied by local vendors; students even had the pleasure of a tasty meal too.
Year 13 student Harvey H is our SL6 correspondent and has provided the below entry; “As sixth form students, we are at such an important part of our academic journey. As a group, we have had discussions on goals for 2025, both personal and academic and we also explored what goal setting actually is. We all agreed that setting goals isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about creating a roadmap for success. Whether it’s aiming for top grades, improving time management, or balancing studies with personal interests, clear goals keep us focused and motivated. We agreed realistic and motivational goals that ranged from revision timetables and homework deadlines to support us achieving the best possible grades in our respective courses as well as improvements to our common room and relationship building with key staff and each other! These goals help us track progress and overcome challenges with purpose. Most importantly, goal setting teaches us discipline and resilience—skills that will carry us far beyond the classroom and will help us in our future careers.”
Our Drama Club’s latest blockbuster production will be performed over two evenings on 27th and 28th January … High School Musical!
Troy Bolton, the star athlete at a small-town high school, falls for nerdy beauty Gabriella Montez at a holiday karaoke party. When they return to school, Troy and Gabriella audition for the upcoming school musical. Meanwhile, the jealous Sharpay Evans conspires to squelch their chances. The two must struggle to make it to auditions while also meeting their existing obligations to the basketball team and the academic decathlon.
Tickets can be bought in advance via ParentPay, tickets are just £5 and under 11s attend for FREE – additional tickets will be available for cash payment on the night! Please come along to support our students in what will be a hugely entertaining evening. Our PTFA will be on hand selling light refreshments and treats on the night/s so please do remember to bring cash! If you would like to join our PTFA please do get in touch! No matter how much or how little spare time you are able to commit to … we will always be very grateful for your support! [email protected]
Library Update. New Year – New Books! I know those students who have been to the library recently have seen lots of boxes of new books that arrived in December .. and even more have arrived since we’ve been back! I know how excited students are about getting their hands on brand-new titles! Especially when each book has been carefully selected to stretch and challenge you while exposing to the world we all share.
We have some fantastic books coming to the SLS library, lots of which are specific requests from our students and include: graphic novels, sport biographies and stories, historical fiction, action packed adventures, dyslexia friendly books, classics and thrilling spy stories from WWII era.
If you are interested in reserving one of our new titles, come and see me!
Happy reading and Happy New Year.
Mrs Nguyen, Librarian.
Congratulations to Max W of 7G! Max attends a Kickboxing Club and has recently earned his Green Belt with an impressive Credit Pass! This is especially impressive as he had recently been injured but showed amazing dedication and resilience to not only pass his Green Belt but was awarded “Most Improved Student 2024” by his club – what an accolade.
Below, Max is pictured in action and accepting his award at the Presentation evening.
PTFA Update! And a very Happy New Year to all our parents, carers, students and staff – we hope you all enjoyed a wonderful time over the Christmas break. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Christmas sing-along .. it was a magical evening – particular thanks go to our amazing Year 7 choir and Year 12 vocal soloist Flourish. Additonal thanks go to staff musicians Mr Muller on keyboards, Mr Matthews on guitar and Mrs Artmann for her solo performance .. and leading us all in the sing-along! Sadly myself and Mr Naylor aren’t likely to be offered a place on the school choir just yet!!
A common New Year resolution is to pledge to make healthy food decisions, but sticking to it is the tough part! Ms Roberts’ Year 8 students have been making a delicious nutritious jerk sweet potato curry in their Food Preparation and Nutrition lessons, an ideal recipe for a healthy diet! Students have been perfecting their cutting techniques as well as temperature control and balancing flavours.
Calling all local businesses … be part of our Local Champions Project. Could you offer meaningful work experience opportunities to local young people? Our students can add value to your business bringing enthusiasm, a fresh perspective and so much more! Come along to our breakfast meeting on 17th January and support your local community. For more info or to book your place contact Mrs Tiddy on [email protected]
Mrs George, Miss Haynes and Mr Bailey hosted a Year 9 football match against Mr Bailey’s old school, Harris Academy Greenwich. The Year 9 B-Team performed incredibly against Greenwich’s A-Team, but sadly the odds were not in our favour.
As part of our school New Year resolutions, we are taking the opportunity to start the new term with renewed vigour and positivity! At Stone Lodge we are striving for greatness in our students and setting standards that we know they can reach is how we will ensure their future success. All our students have taken part in assemblies and extended form time sessions to share and discuss our key school priorities and expectations. Please refer to my letter sent home 8th January which outlines the full details.
Key priorities this term:
- Uniform & Readiness
- Right Place, Right Time
- Environment
Uniform & Readiness. We want to ensure there is complete consistency in terms of high standards of uniform and readiness to learn, meaning all students are properly equipped and are in full school uniform each day. To ensure this consistency, we need parents and carers help to support their children in meeting these daily expectations. Below are key reminders of these expectations:
Equipment: Students come to school to learn. Please check that your child leaves home with a bag containing:
- their Knowledge Organiser
- Fully stocked clear pencil case. This needs to include: 2 black pens, 2 red pens, 2 pencils, a pencil sharpener, rubber, ruler, highlighter and protractor.
Whilst we have a small number of pencil cases to loan, these are for emergency use and ensuring that your child comes to school with the correct equipment helps prepare them for their learning. If your child requires a pencil case on loan, we will ask for an item to swap for the day to remind the student to return this before they leave school at the end of the day. We will also make our best endeavours to call you to ensure that you are informed that your child required a loaned pencil case.
Uniform: Please check that your child leaves home wearing our correct uniform. Below is a list of items not permitted as part of our school uniform policy:
- Make up
- False nails including acrylics and nail polish
- Jewellery
- Trainers
- Hoodies
- Coats that are not black
- Bags that are not black
Students who come to school not adhering to correct uniform will be removed from lessons, until they are dressed appropriately. Where possible we may provide your child with a spare uniform item such as shoes, tie or blazer from our limited stock, however we cannot always guarantee this and therefore require your support in ensuring your child has full school uniform. The PTFA has stock of pre-loved school uniforms and some suitable jackets, if you are interested in finding out more, please contact them directly on [email protected]
It is likely that weather will be wet and cold, so a black jacket is important (this does not include hoodies).
Right Place, Right Time : Important changes:
School opening time: From 6th January 2025 the school site will be open from 8:15am for students. This is a change from before Christmas where students could access the site from 8:00am. This is to ensure that students can be supervised before school. Please ensure your child is aware that they will not be able to access the school site until 8:15am each day.
Student access to school site: From 6th January we will only be opening the Cotton Lane gate and the gate to the left of the school building (by the allotment) for students to enter the school. If you have previously dropped your\ child to school in the car park near the Sports Hall your child will be required to walk past reception to access school site at the other gate.
- Sweets and fizzy drinks (purchased outside school) are not permitted on school site and will be confiscated if seen, this is to ensure that students are eating a balanced diet and are able to concentrate fully on their learning.
- Students are not allowed to eat in corridors and are reminded to eat in the canteen at lunch times.
- The field is open only at lunch when the weather permits.
- Students are not permitted in the wider school building during break and lunch beyond ground floor central corridor where toilets and the canteen are located.
Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to us continuing to work together in helping our students to get it right every day, for themselves and for each other.
Forthcoming Dates;
- Student Vaccinations Td/IPV and Men ACWY (School Leavers Booster) Year 9, plus year 10 & 11 catch up – 13 & 14 Jan
- Year 9 Options Evening – 16th January – 5:30pm-6:30pm – in person
- Year 7, 8 & 9 Canterbury Christ Church University talk – 22 January
- Year 11 Parents’ Evening – 23rd January – 4:30pm- 7:30pm – in person
- SLS Musical Production – High School Musical – 27th & 28th January (6 to 8pm)
- Year 12/Year 13 Parents’ Evening – 30th January – 4:30pm – 7:30pm – in person
- Year 10 Mocks – Week Commencing 3rd February
- PSHE, Drama and History workshops for students – 5th February
- Year 7 Parents’ Evening – 13th March
- Year 10 Grades home – 19th March
- Year 8 Parents’ Evening – 27th March
- Year 11 Grades home – 4th April
- Last Day of Term 3 – 4th April
- First Day of Term 4 – Tuesday 25th April
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett