Stone Lodge School, Stone Lodge Road, Dartford, Kent, DA2 6FY
01322 250340

School Blog, Week ending 20th September

School Blog, Week ending 20th September

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Description automatically generatedWe foster a culture that celebrates, and is inspired by, all of our shared and personal achievements, whether school based academic ones or through clubs and activities undertaken out of school. We recognise and reward our students’ endeavours, taking time to highlight all those students who make a positive contribution to our school community with exceptional work and behaviour in line with our RIDES values. Stone Lodge celebrates the ambition and commitment of its students, and we hope that in celebrating these successes they inspire others to think big, try new interests and take on new challenges. Mrs Pickard outlined our House and Rewards system and it’s criteria for success in recent assemblies – to view the presentation please click here

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Well done to all students who have earned House Points thus far this term! Our current tally puts Seacole just ahead – I will keep you posted!

House Points

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A green shield with white swirls and text

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Spotlight on drama and the creative arts. The Stone Lodge Drama department strives to create confident, creative and resilient learners who can collaborate successfully with others to devise innovative and imaginative pieces of work. We aim to inspire, challenge and immerse all students into the world of Drama and theatre. Students will be equipped with the tools to perform, direct and design theatre, widening their skill set within the field. We will provide students with the opportunities to observe and take part in Drama and Musical Theatre performances beyond the classroom to build their cultural capital and self-confidence, along with generating skills and experiences they can use to lead successful lives.  To view the topics studied during each learning cycle please click the links and then select the year group to view the Learning Journey. DRAMA – Stone Lodge School & MUSIC – Stone Lodge School

Our Drama and Music departments are currently collaborating on a new Christmas Production. Our Club members have already built up a rich back catalogue of amazing productions including Peter Pan and Bugsy Malone! Stone Lodge has an extensive range of clubs and extra-curricular activities. Additionally, Homework club runs every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afterschool for one hour for those students who require a space to complete their homework with support from TAs should they need it.

Posters can be found advertising new Clubs around school – the full schedule can be accessed on our website by clicking here

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Description automatically generatedIntroducing … Dr Muller joins us as Head of Music bringing with him a wealth of experience within different leadership roles for the last twenty-four years teaching Music, ICT, and leading creative art departments in top international, and independent schools based in England, China, Thailand, Gabon, Kenya, India, and Mexico. He has completed several studies in music, law, education, educational management, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and specialised in composition, music literacy, music technology, performance, and choral studies.  In the featured Year 7 lesson below, Dr Muller, and his Year 7 students are working on their ‘I’ve got rhythm’ topic as they explore, investigate and then sing, which expand the students understanding of the elements of music focussing on pitch, and rhythm.  Well, done everyone, you have all showed brilliant enthusiasm in your understanding, and singing!  As the term progresses students will learn more about music theory and how the terminologies are used effectively.

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Description automatically generatedMrs Pryce-Brown joins the department as teacher of Drama and English. Mrs Pryce-Brown has been at the front line of instructional delivery of Drama curriculum for the past 17 years in Jamaica. She is passionate about helping students unlock their creativity and confidence through the power of Drama. Mrs Pryce-Brown believes being at Stone Lodge will be beneficial to both her and the school as she will be contributing to building stronger communities with additional opportunities to develop skills and interests in clubs and lessons.

In the featured lesson below Year 7 students have been exploring the characterisation of bullying and the different forms it takes; social, cyber, physical and verbal. Students considered how each character in their piece felt, and how a resolution might be reached. Students then talked through their group pieces critiquing and reviewing their performance. This highly interactive lesson allows students to talk through the potential threat of bullying whilst identifying behaviours of bullies, empathising with victims and discussing resolutions.

A collage of a person hugging a child

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Pictured below, our Drama Club with Mrs Pryce-Brown – everyone is welcome to join!

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Mr Bailey’ s Year 8 Drama students have been exploring melodrama .. and have demonstrated they are all naturals! Students have been working on pieces that emphasise plots where good beats evil, making sure to exaggerate voice and physicality in their performance.

A collage of people dancing

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Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE students have been learning about the changing properties of fats and oils. In this practical lesson students explored ‘shortening’ – the process to ensure the finished product keeps firm and crumbly or ‘short’ which is why we call it shortening. An excellent lesson, with beautifully prepared shortbread!

A collage of people making food

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SL6 (our sixth form). Year 13 student Harvey is our SL6 Student Correspondent. Harvey is in the second year of his Sports BTEC Level 3 with us and is already a published social media contributor and journalist for, amongst others, Welling United.

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Description automatically generated Every Wednesday afternoon SL6 are off timetable to take part in sessions dedicated to learning a new skill and building career enhancing attributes. The Electives Programme is designed to develop skills students need to maximise their potential for future success and provide opportunities for enhancing personal statements and CVs, as well as having fun and building relationships!

This week I, along with other Year 13 sports students led a football skills session with Year 12 students. It was a great opportunity for us to put into practise our learned coaching skills and made for a hugely enjoyable team activity for the Year 12s. Elsewhere, students supported younger year groups with peer mentoring whilst others were off-site working with younger pupils at neighbouring primary schools.

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Another of the SL6 Elective groups available is EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)

EPQ is an A Level standalone qualification designed to extend and develop abilities beyond the A Level/BTEC syllabus and prepare for university or future career prospects.

  • it can be taken as an extension of other Level 3 qualifications or vocational qualifications
  • it’s worth half an A Level (28 UCAS points)
  • it’s recognised by universities and employers
  • many universities make lower A Level offers to students undertaking an EPQ.

Pictured below Year 12 students, researching their EPQ topics for stimulus to write their essay or produce their ‘artifact’ (piece of artwork or something you’ve physically made). From my perspective, the best thing about an EPQ is that you can choose your topic and project title. As long as your topic and title give you enough to talk about in an ‘academic’ style, you can do whatever you want!  Mrs Tiddy, Head of SL6 was on hand to discuss ideas with students and support their research.

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Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our recent Years 8. 9, and 10 Welcome and Expectations Evenings – the presentations delivered as part of the evenings can be accessed via our website by clicking here 

Careers Update. It was good to see so many of our Year 10 parents and carers at our welcome and work experience evening. Please can all students who have already secured work placements let Miss Bassant know. Should any students need any further support or guidance in finding a suitable opportunity, please come and speak with her as soon as possible. These placements provide an invaluable experience of the workplace, allow students to start building professional networks, gain independence and develop the skills necessary to securing future employment. Work Experience Year 10 takes place 12th -16th May 2025.

Football fixture update! Stone Lodge football teams have had a terrific start to the 2024/2025 football season. The Year 11s took a trip down to St Columbus Secondary School for the first school fixture of the school year. Some great defending and goals from both Leon and Callum R secured a 2-0 win to start the season in a positive way. Mr Proctor was impressed with the team’s first game since May after beating Northfleet technology college 2-0 in the final of the District Cup.

Forthcoming Dates;

Year 11 Preparing for mock examinations – 19 Sept 5.30-6.30pm (in person)

Year 11 Geography Field Trip – 24 Sept

Year 9 Welcome Meeting – 26 Sept 5.30pm (in person)

Year 11 Geography Field Trip – 27 September

Year 9 & 12 Financial Education Workshop – 1 & 3 Oct

Year 7-11 Flu Vaccines – 4 Oct

Year 12 NCS Residential Teambuilding Trip – 7-11 Oct

Year 6 Open Mornings – 14-16 & 18 Oct

Year 6 Open Evening – 17 Oct

Year 10 Careers Insights – 24 Oct

Last Day of Term 1 – 25 Oct

First Day of Term 2 – 7 Nov

Best wishes,

Gavin Barnett

Head Teacher