School Blog, week ending 12th December

All Year 7 students visited Stone St Mary’s Church to take part in a very festive carol service. Our students were in fine voice indeed! To hear them for yourself .. and to join in, please do come along to our school PTFA Christmas Event and sing-along! Students will be singing a programme of festive songs including ‘All I want for Christmas ‘and ‘Feliz Navidad’ our PTFA and staff will be on hand to provide festive cheer in the form of hot chocolate, mince pies, raffle prizes and of course, plenty of opportunities to sing along with our students! The event is free to attend and our PTFA will be selling drinks and snacks on the night (please remember to bring cash). Thursday 19th December from 5-6.30pm – for tickets please visit ParentPay (300 tickets available on a first come, first served basis)
Mrs Clarke’s MFL Department staged their own el salto del Colacho (Flight off the Devil!) festival. This Spanish festival represents the triumph of good over evil and in a heart-stopping display, babies born during the previous year are laid in the street while the costumed men leap over them, they believe that the devil absorbs the sins of the babies, protecting them from disease and misfortune. Our Stone Lodge el salto del Colacho .. was hugely popular with students who thoroughly enjoyed learning about festivals in other countries … and jumping over our ‘babies’!!
Mrs Clarke and the MFL Department are welcoming entries to their annual Christmas Card competition … please do encourage your child to take part!
Congratulations to our Year 7 rugby team who played their first competitive fixture against Saint George’s School, winning the game 4 – 3. The team showed great determination, having been losing in the first half. It was brilliant for students who haven’t played much rugby before to experience a competitive match.
Year 7 Rugby training will be on a Tuesday after school until Christmas and in the New Year it will be on a Thursday 3:30 – 4:45pm.
Year 8 Food & Nutrition students have been exploring the Mediterranean diet and its advantages for a healthy balanced diet. Students developed their appreciation of the wholesome ingredients used by making couscous, tomato, olive and feta stuffed roasted peppers. A brilliant recipe that was universally loved (even by those who didn’t think they liked some of the ingredients!)
Something wonderfully uplifting for your diaries! Our Drama Club’s latest blockbuster … High School Musical! Tickets can be bought in advance via ParentPay – additional tickets will be available for cash payment on the night!
Nail Art club. The students are learning a variety of techniques (including dotting, glittering, brush work and transfers) and they get to practice each week through a different theme. We have had fun with the themes of Autumn, Halloween, Dinosaurs, Music trends and now Christmas. The club is held every Friday in E203 with Ms Clarke and Ms Deacon – everyone is welcome.
Members of our First Aid Club meet every Thursday lunchtime. Students learn potentially life-saving skills, empowering our young people with the skills to help in an emergency. Mrs Finch, teacher of Health and Social Care, leads students in practical first aid demonstrations to keep each other safe and to understand how to help if faced with a medical emergency.
In Year 7 and 8 library lessons we are ‘wrapping up’ this term with a creative activity called Christmas Blackout Poetry. Students use a piece of text, in this case, a page from Angel of Grasmere, or a poem, to pick out words and create a brand-new Christmas poem. There are some really great poets and artists in Stone Lodge School!
A little bit of Christmas fun is always welcome even before Christmas!
Students also share their own Christmas customs and traditions and watch a short festive film about different ways that Christmas is celebrated across the continents and cultures!
Merry Christmas and happy reading everyone!
Mrs Nguyen – SLS librarian
Thank you to our wonderful PTFA for funding BookBuzz which gives a free book to EVERY Year 7 student. Students chose from a list of 16 books selected by a panel of experts! The support you give our PTFA directly benefits our children .. we can’t thank you enough for all your help, donations and support! We hope to see as many of you as possible at our PTFA Christmas Event on the 19th December.
SLS PTFA Christmas Event
Dear Parents, and Carers,
On behalf of the PTFA (Parent, Teacher, and Friends Association) we wanted to share with you an exciting Christmas Event.
Join us on Thursday 19th December from 5-6:30pm for our we hope, a new annual tradition, the Stone Lodge School Christmas Singalong. Tickets are available via Parent Pay. Click Here.
There are 300 ***FREE*** tickets available on a first come first serve basis. There will be drinks and Christmas treats available to buy. Please note this is CASH ONLY.
There will also be a collection, which will be split between the PTFA and the Music Department. Please consider if you’re able to support us.
The Year 7’s Christmas Choir will be leading the singing. Accompanied by Dr Muller and the Stone Lodge Staff Band! (What fun)! You are invited to sing along too!
Join us for a night of festive fun, community building, and join in singing some classic Christmas Carols and Songs.
With Christmas glad tidings,
Rev. Joel D Schofield, SLS PTFA.
House Point update. It’s a close-call on the House Points as we head towards the Christmas break! Congratulations to Hawking House who have edged ahead, but there is plenty of time and opportunities for students to secure valuable points and challenge Hawking for pole position. Next week, each year group will take part in Celebration Assemblies, which recognise the exceptional student endeavours, achievements as well as contributions to our wonderful school community.
I’d like to share news of a charitable endeavour undertaken by student Billy W of 10C on behalf of Shelter. Billy walked 10k, following a route that snaked across central London and along the Thames to raise money to help homeless people find shelter for Christmas, and beyond. Billy’s empathy with others and pledge to help improve their situation is commendable and I’m sure, chimes with us all .. and is certainly reflective of our school RIDES values.
Billy raised an impressive £850! If you are able, and would like to support Billy and Shelter’s fundraising please click here
What does Shelter do? How do you support people facing or experiencing homelessness with your fundraising? We have such a broad range of services which include;
- a free helpline for people who are experiencing homelessness, who have nowhere to sleep tonight, at risk of losing their home and people who are at risk of harm or abuse
- we support renters to know their rights with expert information about reclaiming deposits, applying as homeless or dealing with damp and mouldy living conditions
- our solicitors who provide free legal advice and attend court to help people who’ve lost their homes or are facing eviction
- hubs across the UK where we offer advice, localised support services, one-to-one and personalised help with housing issues and homelessness
Sophie H of 8H has been learning to play the trumpet and mellophone with Knights Academy for the past two years. This year she has been involved in numerous parades, fetes and the Ellenor Christmas Carol concert at St George’s Church Gravesend. Sophie, this is an incredible achievement and to perform at local community and charitable events is wonderful! You are clearly a talented musician and sociable and active member of our community .. well done! If Sophie has inspired you to learn a new skill and you enjoy music .. speak with Dr Muller to find out more about music lessons available at school or with Knights Academy by clicking here Knights Academy of Music and Performing Arts
Calling all local businesses … be part of our Local Champions Project. Could you offer meaningful work experience opportunities to local young people? Our students can add value to your business bringing enthusiasm, a fresh perspective and so much more! Come along to our breakfast meeting on 17th January and support your local community. For more info or to book your place contact Mrs Tiddy on [email protected]
Forthcoming Dates;
PTFA Christmas Event – 19 December 5-6.30pm FREE to attend (300 tickets available) – book your tickets on ParentPay
Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day PTFA & NSPCC Donation of £2 (students can wear a festive jumper instead of their school jumper) – 19th December
Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 20 December 12.10pm finish
First Day of Term 3 – Monday 6 January
Year 13 BTEC Level 3 sport exams take place- 9-16 January
Year 9 Td/IPV MenACWY Vaccinations – 13 January
Year 9 Options Evening – 16 January (5.30-6.30pm)
Year 7, 8 & 9 Canterbury Christ Church University talk – 22 January
Year 11 Parents’ Evening – 23 January
Year 11 mock exam assembly – 24 January
SLS Musical High School Musical – 27 & 28 January (6-8pm)
Years 12 & 13 Parents’ Evening – 30 January
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett