A very warm welcome to all new and returning students and members of staff, I hope you all had a good summer. It has been heartening to see all new students making such a positive and enthusiastic start to their careers here at Stone Lodge School. It was good to meet so many of our new families last night at our Year 7 ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening. Mr Proctor, Head of Year 7 (pictured below with students) and all our Year 7 Form Tutors are enjoying getting to know our new students and supporting their transition into life at Stone Lodge School.
Our Year 7 Students have been settling into class and getting to know their subject teachers. Every lesson begins with a ‘Do Now’ task which is a five minute silent task at the start of all lessons across the school and prepare students for the forthcoming lesson – this forms part of our Stone Lodge culture and is designed for a swift start to every lesson to ensure all learning time is effective. Pictured below, Miss Haynes’ Year 7 English students who have been considering ‘Creation Myths’ and their role in explaining the world around them for different cultures and communities.
Our Year 7 students have started their Science lessons in the laboratory classrooms. Over the course of the next few lessons all students will receive an introduction to the Science Department, including how to identify potential risks and hazards before learning how to safely use equipment such as Bunsen burners. In the lessons pictured below students were able to identify the hazard symbols and identify potential risks and how to work safely. Well done!
Pictured below with her Science class, Teacher Miss Cogswell
Below, Mr Dunscombe, Assistant Head Teacher working with Science students
The School Blog is sent out to our families every two weeks and contains our school news and details of school activities. Over the course of the term I will introduce all new staff via the pages of our Blog .. including our new Head of Music, aptly named Mr Muzio.
Mr Muzio (pictured left) is an experienced musician and teaching practitioner joins us this year. “I am excited by the opportunity to work at Stone Lodge School. As a local resident of Stone I looking forward to working in my local community, helping the students become the best they can be. I already feel part of the Stone Lodge community and have been impressed with the students’ enthusiasm for music. I am very much looking forward to getting to know and working with the students.”
In the lesson pictured below, Mr Muzio and his Year 8 students were working on their keyboard skills by learning how to play chords and learning the 12-bar blues chord progression.
Further information on how your child can learn a musical instrument at Stone Lodge School and participate in musical extracurricular activities will be shared shortly with all families.
I’m delighted to introduce our Careers and Sixth Form Officer, Miss Bassant who has a wealth of human resources experience in the medical, science, and education sectors. Miss Bassant has a large professional network of local and national employers from a range of industries who will be able to offer our students valuable inspiration and encouragement as they explore different career pathways available to them.
“I am looking forward to working with the students to explore different paths and sectors that suit their skill sets and match their goals. Every student deserves the same opportunities at success. I want every student to develop into the best version of themselves and confidently work toward realising their lifetime ambitions”.
More details of our Career Programme activities and meetings will be shared this term.
As you can see from the below photos, students ensure they are brilliantly prepared for their lessons at the start of the day and after lunch at line-up. All students check they have the appropriate equipment and uniform before being led to their classroom by their form tutor or teacher.
Photos below, students have form time at 8.45am each morning (except Wednesday). This time is dedicated to special activities, and class discussions including student council matters.
We are proud to offer a fantastic range of lunch time and after school extracurricular clubs and activities to introduce students to new opportunities, make friends, learn new skills and have fun! Groups last year included Debate Club, Dungeons and Dragons, Nail Art, Textiles, Drama productions, Sporting Clubs and more! We are currently finalising our new timetable of Clubs which will be shared with all parents/carers in due course.
MESSAGE FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE. To help us reunite any lost property with your child please can you ensure that all personal items, uniform, pencil case and water bottles are labelled with your child’s name. Thank you!
JOIN OUR PTFA! All Parents and Carers automatically belong to the ‘Parents, Teachers & Friends Association’ (PTFA), but being a ‘Friends’ association, membership is not confined to Parents and Teachers, but is extended to include other family relations and members of the public who have been approved by the Committee. We organise a varied programme of events for both students and parents throughout the year which raise funds to provide additional resources for the students which cannot be met from existing school budgets. We are always looking for new ideas for fund-raising events so please get in touch if you feel there is something we should try. To find out more, please get in touch! [email protected]
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Witt on the birth of their gorgeous little boy, Rory who was born over the summer break. Mr Witt is our IT Manager here at Stone Lodge and Mrs Witt is our Sixth Form Secretary at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys. Baby Rory weighed in at 7.5lbs and as you can see from the wonderful photo below, mother, father and baby are all thriving.
Youth Unity have shared the below information regarding the Unity Hub which is held every Tuesday from 3.15pm in Dartford Park. They will organise a variety of activities for kids including sports, music production, podcasting and film appreciation. The sessions are free. More information can be found at
Forthcoming Dates (to view our full calendar of events, please click here
Welcome to Year 10 evening – 13th September
Welcome to Year 9 evening – 13th September
Welcome to Year 12 evening – 14th September
Welcome to Year 8 evening – 19th September
Year 11 Preparing for Mocks – 28th September
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher