Learning Beyond the Classroom week 8th July – 12th July offers a truly amazing and varied range of enrichment activities and trips. Research highlights that learning outside the classroom has maximum impact when it’s woven into our school curriculum. Opportunities to access high quality learning beyond the classroom experiences can open students’ eyes to the world around them and allows them to develop into well-rounded citizens. The latest research confirms that Learning Beyond the Classroom activities can enhance academic attainment and support health and wellbeing and that both external and internal activities add value and fun life experiences! To view the full schedule of opportunities available in our LBC presentation,please click here
Please note the ‘expression of interest’ deadline – please complete the form by 15th February
Year 7 Parents’ Evening (Forms 7A-D). Thank you to all those families who attended last night, it was so good to have the opportunity to spend time with you to discuss your children’s learning and work together as we plan their future career here at Stone Lodge. Next Thursday we will welcome students and their parents and carers of 7E-H. Any further questions please contact [email protected] in the first instance.
Miss White’s Year 7 Science students have been investigating Neutralisation in a practical lesson this week. Students were able to successfully neutralise an acid with an alkaline – great work! Neutralisation is used in everyday life to treat soils in agriculture and to minimise pollution by neutralising harmful gases.
Our Year 12 Students are currently completing work experience as part of our Careers & Employability Programme. Placements include – Whitecode Engineering, BDR Civil & Structural Engineering Design Consultants, a range of primary schools local to the area, Gravesend Community Hospital, a local gym, Kenard Engineering, Concorde international School, Charlton Athletic Community Trust. Each destination is tailored to their individual future aspirations.
In Stone Lodge Library we commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th of January. Students had a chance to explore a thought-provoking book display that reflected on this important day of remembrance. We honoured the memory of those affected by the Holocaust through literature and reflection. SLS students had the opportunity to browse through a number of books put on display and read informative leaflets from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to raise awareness of this historical event.
Let’s Make our library EVEN better! Please sign up for Usborne Be Curious competition to WIN a personalised bundle of books worth over £150 for Stone Lodge School Library. Entries close on 30th April 2024, and the lucky winner will be contacted shortly after by the publisher to claim the prize. It’s worth a try – the more students, parents, carers and staff that sign up, the more of a chance we stand to win books! Please give it a go. To enter go to World Book Day School Book Bundle Competition | Usborne | Be Curious
Since the reopening of the library in November, the number of readers and students coming to the library to study, revise and research has increased dramatically. The joy of reading is being revived by Mrs Nguyen’s enthusiasm, ever changing displays, and steady arrival of new books and popular series. The arrival of Ultimate and Classic Football Heroes (biographies) created a real stir with reluctant readers now keen to read about their football heroes! On any given day we may have four or five books left out of nearly 50 copies! Mrs Nguyen has the female football heroes on order and will be advertising them as soon as they are in stock!
Our Library is now absolutely buzzing during break and lunchtime. To keep students’ interest, book displays change daily, especially after the arrival of new books! Students can now recommend books too. Happy reading! Mrs Nguyen.
Miss Cogswell’s Year 11 Physicists have been detecting and drawing magnetic fields. In this practical lesson, students were exploring the factors that can increase the strength of a magnetic field. Students correctly identified that increasing the amount of electric current and the coils of wire caused the strength of the magnetic field to increase.
Our Youth Travel Ambassadors (YTAs), have delivered assemblies to Years 7-9 this week to spread awareness of how to travel to school safely. The YTAs created the presentation along with Mr Bailey with statistics sent through by the local authority. To help ensure the safety of the county’s youngsters this winter the KM Group have brought back their incredibly successful Be Bright Be Seen campaign – with the support of Kent County Council’s Road Safety Team – they have given away thousands of reflective keyrings to help children be more visible – 500 of which were given to the YTAs to distribute.
The Kent Teacher of the Year Awards 2024 are now open for nominations. Social Enterprise Kent, who manage the awards are inviting us to get involved… who do you think deserves a Kent Teacher of the Year Award?
“Everyone working in our education system plays a vital role in shaping the future of our children. From the dedicated teachers who ignite passion, to the behind-the-scenes heroes making everything tick along smoothly, we appreciate the hard work and dedication of each and every person shaping the future of our children.
That’s why we’re excited to invite you to nominate a member of your school community for a prestigious Kent Teacher of the Year Award!
Whether it’s a teacher going the extra mile for students, a member of support staff with a perpetual smile, or a volunteer leaving a lasting impact, SEK wants to hear their incredible stories! Hurry, the deadline for nominations is fast approaching, so seize the moment and make your nominations now! Let’s give credit where it’s due and celebrate those who make our educational journey truly exceptional!” To make a nomination CLICK HERE Kent Teacher of the Year 2024 Nomination Form (
Careers Programme – North Kent Schools Apprenticeship Event. On Thursday 8th February 4pm – 6pm Wilmington Grammar School for Boys has an amazing opportunity for students to engage with local and national employers and universities as they are hosting the North Kent Schools Apprentice Event in conjunction with The Education People, Careers and Enterprise Company, supported by Ebbsfleet Development Corporation.
The event has local and national employers from construction, healthcare, accounting, business consultancy and finance, media and events, banking, retail, transport and armed forces. There will also be representation from local training providers, local colleges, and universities such as Ravensbourne University, TEDI London Engineering and Design Institute and London South Bank university.
Our Year 13 students will have access to this event and the employers in school time between 2pm and 3.30pm.
We welcome all other students, parents/carers and other interested parties to attend after 4pm and please sign up using this booking form link: Pre-Registration Form: North Kent Apprenticeship Event (
This is an excellent opportunity for students to investigate a future career pathway or to start securing an apprenticeship place for September 2024.
Forthcoming Dates,
Year 7 Parents’ Evening (7E-H) – 8th February
Year 11 Career Interviews – ongoing until 8th February
Last Day of Term – 9th February
Year 13 Grades and Written Report home – 9th February
Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC) ‘expression of interest’ deadline –15th February
First Day of Term 4 – 19th February
Year 7 & 8 Grades report home – 19th February
Year 8 Parents’ Evening (8A-D) – 22nd February
Year 10 Mocks – 26th February – 1st February
Lion King Theatre Trip – 28th February
Year 8 Parents’ Evening (8E-H) – 29th February
School of Rock (School Production) – 12th & 13th March – PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher