Our current House Challenge “The Great Stone Lodge Bake-off” has seen students showcasing sensational creativity and baking skills to rival its TV namesake show! Congratulations to Hawking and Edison winners below, Seacole will be competing on 12th March ahead of the Grand Final on 26th March. Thank you to our Governors and Ms Lesage who have been standing as our Judges.
Hawking winners, Miley G, Imogen L, Freya C and Edison winners, Sofia R, Elsie M, Sienna B
Congratulations to both 10D and 11B who enjoyed a Tutor Awards Breakfasts this week – in recognition of them achieving the most House Points (November to February)
Introducing … Teacher of Maths, Ms Campbell, who is an experienced teacher dedicated to promoting the many amazing careers and life opportunities that the study of maths can offer our students! Ms Campbell is an enthusiastic ambassador for the subject which is evident in her dynamic delivery of the curriculum and the high level of engagement it promotes! Below, it’s Super-Teach week, and Ms Campbell and her Year 10 students are reviewing their cycle topics, identifying any potential areas for revision and further study before moving to new topics.
Our SL6 students have excelled in their recent work experience placements, feed-back has been universally positive and we are incredibly proud of how professional and pro-active each of them was, taking full advantage of the opportunity! Students worked within a range of sectors including engineering, education and sport. Comments included;
“you would have thought Charlie is a member of staff, and 25 rather than 16, we would happily have you back after your A Levels!”
“Lewis has been amazing and everything you would want from a work experience placement”
“Malakai worked well and very professionally with the sustainability team, creating Sketch Up models and worked out how to reduce carbon emissions in a new build house”
Performing Arts students across all key stages had the amazing opportunity to see Wicked the Musical at the Apollo Victoria Theatre with Mr Bailey and Miss Rutt. Wicked tells the story of an unlikely but profound friendship between two young women and asks the question – “Are people born wicked or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?” An enjoyable experience was had by all.
Our next school drama production The School of Rock is set for Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 6pm in the main school hall. The rehearsals look brilliant … student cast and crew are ready to entertain you!! Tickets are just £5 per ticket, and children 11 and under go free! You can buy tickets via your ParentPay … we look forward to seeing you there! *Disclaimer* this production includes some cheeky language in one of the numbers, faithful to original play.
Year 7 and 8 students all enjoy library lessons as part of their English curriculum, working in conjunction with their classroom lessons. In the below Year 7 Library lesson, our librarian introduced students to the new books available, and highlighted a selection of books suitable for their age based on their interests and requests. Feed-back from the class included; “I enjoy being able to choose my own reading books, and have time to read them in lesson. In class we all work on the same books and lessons, I like being able to discover new things in the books”. Another added “and I learn new words that increase my vocabulary, I like the books about sport”.
Students’ choices are as rich and varied as the students themselves and our library genuinely has something for everyone! Our librarian, Mrs Nguyen is on hand to offer advice and help your child find their next favourite book!
Last week we marked the Lunar New Year with a special Chinese menu which I can confirm was delicious! Our Library marked the occasion with a display of books by asian authors as well as illustrated books freaturing asian countries.
Our Science department blends learned classroom study with practical investigation to test hypothesis and underpin learning. This week Mrs Pearce-Fowler’s Year 10 students have been studying circuits and in this practical lesson were measuring current and the factors that influence it.
Miss Cogswell’s Year 11 physicists have been studying light waves and specifically refraction, explaining how people see images and colour. Students were investigating the dispersion of light, which is responsible for the splitting of white light into rainbows.
Our Kitchen team will be serving a special Easter Menu on Wednesday 27th March .. including chicken drumstick with creamy mushroom sauce and hot cross buns! Please note – sandwiches and wraps will still be available.
Forthcoming dates;
Year 10 Mocks – from 26th February
Lion King Theatre Trip – 28th February
Year 8 Parents’ Evening (8E-H) – 29th February
Year 11 GCSE Drama Recorded Exam – 4th & 5th March
SL6 Information Event – 7th March
International Women Football Event – 7th March
School of Rock, school production – 12th & 13th March – tickets available on ParentPay
Year 10 International Women’s Day celebration – 15th March
Kent Schools Trampoline competition – 19th March
Year 10 Grades Report home – 28th March
End of Term 4 – 28th March
First Day of Term 5 – 15th April
Year 11 Grades Report home – 15th April
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher