What an amazing end to our school year! A programme of enrichment activities and experiences are embedded into our curriculum and via clubs, social events and societies together with educational trips throughout the academic year. Our Learning Beyond the Classroom week provides an additional programme of special opportunities and experiences that provide unforgettable moments of learning, fun and camaraderie! The activities include a plethora of sessions that offer life-skills, cultural experiences and social interaction whether indoors or outdoors, close to home or far away.
Year 8 travelled to the Isle of Wight for a jam-packed schedule of outdoor adventure activities .. and the best fun EVER! Students (and staff!) took part in countless challenges including; giant swing, kayaking, archery tag, Jacobs ladder, laser tag, fencing, abseiling and more! The Year 8 theme for the week was to display employability skills, and medals were awarded in recognition of bravery, good leadership, communication skills, resilience and teamwork. Staff would like to thank our Year 8s for an amazing and uplifting week working together to create an unforgettable experience!
The Community Group have had a massive impact on our school environment as well as our wider local community! They have accomplished so much! Over the course of just one week they have transformed our Stone Lodge Garden into an oasis of beautiful flowers, raised vegetable beds, and sensory herb garden as well as building a shed, a bug hotel and making a range of inventive and decorative planters. Our school allotment is a treat to behold and inspired a connection to the natural world, as well as providing a calm and beautiful space … and hopefully, in time, provisions for our kitchen and food tech lessons! Students in the group are now studying for Royal Horticultural Society Qualifications and accreditation. Students were visited by our community police officers who congratulated the students for their pro-active and positive community plans and spirit! The week was wrapped up with students hosting a coffee morning for residents of our local care home and giving them a tour of our new Stone Lodge Garden!
History Group Students immersed themselves in the research and study of WW1, The Great War. Over the course of the week, they travelled to Ypres in Belgium to visit the war graves and memorials to the fallen in Belgium, as well as travelling to the Imperial War Museum in central London. Students looked at individual soldiers’ accounts and experiences to really get a sense of the conditions these men faced and the ultimate sacrifice so many made.
Trip report by Miss Ho.
Our Wild Week students have had a fantastic week showcasing many skills throughout the week. Not only did they work collaboratively, but they showed immense enthusiasm in all areas of our learning throughout the week. They showed great determination and sportsmanship when participating in our quizzes, they were innovative and creative in producing their murals to demonstrate and advocate for the endangered animals of the world and most importantly, they showed care and kindness towards each other throughout the week. With the majority of our activities being group work, every single member of the group worked exceptional hard, and contributed to all pieces of work. They really embodied all of our school RIDES values, especially equality and respect.
Our students also represented Stone Lodge School in an exemplary manner on our Trip to the zoo on Friday. They were praised by the coach driver for their calm and respectful behaviour and were even described as ‘angels’. They were well-mannered and displayed great self-management skills. Throughout our visit at the Zoo, students were polite and respectful. During our ‘Gorilla Talk’, they showed great interest and were fully-engaged with their learning. They asked some exceptional questions about gorillas and other animals at the zoo, in which our guide was blown away with. I want to also give a special mention to our Year 10 Leaders. Without you, Wild Week would not have been the same.
Our Year 10 leaders really displayed great leadership skills by supporting the younger students in their groups. Not only did they lead, they also created a safe space for everyone in their group to share their ideas openly and respectfully. Our Leaders were compassionate, supportive, kind and caring. Some of them even helped other students in other groups when they were struggling with their work. Thank you for being a great role model for others. Overall, Wild Week has been a massive success, and this is because of the efforts of your children. They should all be so proud of themselves for all the work they have produced, and for the exceptional way they have represented the school.
Disney Experience! Trip report by Miss Rutt. On the 8th July, 46 students accompanied by Miss Rutt, Mr Dunscombe, Miss Anderson, Mrs Evans and Mr Beard set off for Disneyland Paris! We managed to get the earlier ferry so were on track for an early arrival at the hotel. However, 20minutes after leaving the port in Calais disaster struck…the engine light started to flash to the coach driver, Mark. He quickly pulled over and inspected to find the belt had snapped! Help was on its way but was 1hour-2hours away! That was no match for the students on the coach as they kept themselves entertained with a Disney Kahoot, music, sleeping and watching some films including The Parent Trap. We then managed to get to the nearest service station for the mechanic to inspect the engine. Here the students were able to stretch their legs and some took part in some football and gymnastics! After another two hours we were back on the road and after a quick stop for dinner at McDonalds we arrived at our accommodation just before midnight. It was a quick light out so that we could be up bright and early for our fun filled day at Disney.
We got to the first park, Disney Studios, at a little after 10am and students and staff were straight in queues to get on the rides! Lacey B almost broke Miss Rutt’s hand on Tower of Terror and Elise C almost deafened the whole carriage with her screaming! Most students voted for The Avengers Flight Force to be their favourite ride in the Studios Park, but others enjoyed channelling their spidery-senses in the web slinger ride! After a quick break for lunch, it was straight over to the Disneyland Park. We turned the corner of Main Street, and we were taken back by the Sleeping Beauty castle that was in front of us! From there students and staff split off heading straight for a mixture of Hyperspace Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and the Indiana Jones ride! Miss Rutt, Miss Anderson and Mr Dunscombe were fortunate enough to experience Bethany C on a rollercoaster… As students were displaying excellent self-management with checking in at the meet point, we were able to see their Disney purchases. Phoebe W treated herself to a Cinderella carriage popcorn bucket, Olamiji E treated himself to a pirate bubble sword, Carly P bought a Forky shoulder pal and George C treated himself to almost everything that was for sale in Disney! Each time Josh D and Leon A checked in their voices seemed to get more croaky (clearly from all the screaming on the rides!) After a successful day of rides we began the ultimate mission of the day…securing our firework spot! No intruders were allowed…apart from the lovely couple who ended up having a photoshoot from George C which involved his Buzz bubble gun! After what seemed like a forever wait the Disney’s Electrical Sky Parade started and WOW! Then came the fireworks and WOW again! It was well worth the wait! Before we knew it, it was the last day and we headed to the Disney Village to do our final souvenir shopping before heading back to the port. We gained a few extra passengers, from Thumper to Pua to Marie as well! It was a fantastic trip and despite the travel delays, the students were amazing! All staff have agreed that we were so lucky to have such amazing students who consistently displayed the RIDES values throughout the whole of our trip! Thank you to the students for making the trip such a success!
Wonderful Wales! Year 7 students travelled to Wales for an adrenaline fuelled adventure! We travelled to the top of Snowdon by train, thrilling time on the double zip wire! Exploring the subterrain in the old copper mines and a hike across Snowdonia’s National Park. Staff were particularly impressed by the nighttime ding-dong-dashing (that’s Knockdown Ginger!) by another school in the same YHA!! In all, the best and most exhilarating time and memories made!
Students who travelled to Barcelona in Spain enjoyed a fabulous trip of exploring culture, enjoying delicious cuisine, practising language skills and generally having the time of their lives! … and did we mention the stunning weather?!
Year 9 PGL residential trip to Surrey. Certainly, a trip for the adventurous, with plenty of action to allow all students to unleash their potential! Activities included abseiling, trapeze, survival, problem solving, axe throwing(!), fencing … and more besides! The trip, camaraderie and laughter certainly made for a hugely enjoyable three days, new experiences, teamwork and making lasting memories!
What a wonderful finale to an amazing year of drama trips, clubs, workshops and school productions! Drama and Theatre students in year 7-9 treated us to a wonderfully evocative Peter Pan production! Our Drama Department is a vibrant and creative hub providing our students with countless opportunities to engage with the creative arts, learn valuable life-skills and crucially, have the best fun! To have an overview of the year in the Drama Department, please check out our X (formerly Twitter) page: @StoneLodgeDrama. Thank you to all our student performers, production team and Mr Bailey for a marvellous evening’s entertainment. Finally, thank you to the parents and carers who continue to support the arts; it is greatly appreciated.
Harry Potter Week – and what a magical experience it was too! Students were treated to an immersive schedule of fun activities culminating in a trip to Harry Potter World. As you can see from the below, we had some very special magical creatures come and visit, thank you to Exotic Explorers for their interactive(!) and informative session.
The Wellbeing LBC group’s aim of the week was to take time out to look after yourself. All week students took part in a range of sessions and activities including Zumba, positive affirmation jars, nail art sound mapping all with one aim in mind maximise wellbeing and create a ‘tool kit’ of positive strategies for life!
Engaging Activities for Students during LBC Earth Week. Earth Week has been a wonderful time to celebrate our planet and educate students about its natural wonders and environmental conservation. A variety of engaging activities were organized for students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of Earth’s geological and ecological diversity. Highlights of the week included interactive projects on volcanoes, creating salt dough fossils, crafting Earth models with playdough, a school trip to the Natural History Museum, and an ecology walk at Darenth Country Park.
The week kicked off with an exciting project to further enhance the students’ understanding of our planet, making them create Earth models using playdough. They layered different colours to represent the Earth’s core, mantle, and crust, providing a visual and tactile way to comprehend Earth’s structure. This activity was instrumental in teaching the concept of geological layers and the composition of our planet. It also emphasized the dynamic nature of Earth’s surface, shaped by tectonic activities and natural phenomena.
Next on the agenda were volcanoes. Students created their own volcano models using simple household materials like baking soda and vinegar or mints and coke to simulate eruptions. This hands-on activity not only captivated the students’ imaginations but also provided a practical lesson on volcanic activity and the role of volcanoes in shaping Earth’s landscape.
On Wednesday, we focussed on Dinosaurs researching about students’ favourite ones and fossils with the creation of salt dough fossils. Using a mixture of flour, salt, and water, students crafted impressions of toy dinosaurs. Once dry, these homemade fossils became tangible representations of ancient life forms. This activity allowed students to delve into palaeontology, understanding how fossils are formed and what they can tell us about Earth’s history. We also used the fossils for the treasure hunt on Friday afternoon. Our Earth experts also enjoyed creating their personalised dinosaur T-shirt.
A mid-week excursion to the Natural History Museum in London offered students a chance to see real fossils, minerals, and geological specimens up close. Interactive exhibits and displays provided in-depth knowledge about Earth’s formation, the evolution of life, and the various ecosystems that exist today made learning fun and engaging, leaving students with a deeper appreciation of the natural world. This trip also highlighted the importance of museums in preserving and presenting natural history.
The grand finale of Earth Week was an ecology walk at Darenth Country Park. Led by Mrs Favata and Mr Field, students explored diverse habitats, including woodlands and meadows trying some trees and plants Identification and using quadrats. They observed local flora and fauna (several Horses too), learning about the interdependence of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity.
Celebration Assemblies, the perfect way to celebrate the end of our academic year! Across all year groups special assemblies were held to recognise and congratulate students for displaying our RIDES values in all endeavours including academic achievement, resilience and hard work, Tutor awards and attendance. I was incredibly proud to see so many students receiving accolades and certificates – in all, 1,000 certificates were presented! What an incredibly uplifting end to our school year. Pictured below, Mr Bailey with Year 8 students and Year 9 displaying their certificates! Our Stone Lodge Endeavour Award, sponsored by our PTFA is not about academic achievement, this special award recognises students for exceptional determination, courage and commitment. This year we are delighted to announce that Rio M-C of Year 8 is this year’s recipient – congratulations, Rio (pictured left with Mrs Pickard) we are all incredible proud of you!
Harvey our SL6 Student Correspondent. “As we approach the end of the year, we as a Year 12 cohort have time to reflect on our first year of Sixth Form at Stone Lodge. This year has been hugely successful. We have seen great results in our exams, coursework submissions, feedback from work experience placements, and feedback from teachers within the school for our help during the LBC week.
Next year, we will begin preparations for the next steps within our careers and our lives, with several of us looking to go on into full-time work, degree apprenticeships and universities. But for now, we have a long break to get us well rested to ensure that we emulate this year’s positive results when we start working hard again in September.
Summer of Fun 2024 – Stone Parish Council series of events with Stone Parish Council for this summer. The are different activities for different age groups. If you go to you can see what is on offer.
I currently work part-time at Stone Parish Council and will be working there full time from next year. Through my part-time work I have helped organise a series of summer activities for families to enjoy. These include;
Laser Tag
Crazy Golf
Indoor arcade with modern and retro gaming
Storyteller sessions
Drama/Poetry Workshops
Car and train themed play sessions (for under 5s)
Arts & Crafts workshops
And more!
You can see everything we currently have planned and book tickets by clicking here We will be releasing details of more events later this week.
Safeguarding Matters. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you have a concern about a young person at Stone Lodge School, please contact the school office or email [email protected] Please note that this email address is inly monitored during working hours in term time.
If you have an urgent safeguarding concern outside of school hours, we recommend calling the police on 999 or Kent Social Services directly on 03000 411111/ Bexley Social Services on 0203 045 5440.
If you have a wellbeing concern, Kooth is a free online counselling service, providing young people aged 11-25 years with a safe and secure means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors:
Helping your children to stay safe online
10 tips to stay safe online
- Be careful about talking to people you don’t know and trust in real life – anyone can pretend to be a child online. If you do talk to people you don’t know, don’t give away personal information – such as what street you live on or where you go to school, or share your location with them. Say no to any requests they send you for images or videos of yourself, and stop talking to them
- Set your profiles to private, to limit what others can see
- Think carefully about what you share and with who. Once you’ve shared an image, you’ve no control over what the other person does with it. Remember, it’s illegal to take, share or view sexual images of under-18s, full stop
- Be mindful of your digital footprint. What you post online now could come back to bite you later, like when applying for jobs, college or university
- If you see something upsetting, or someone bullies you, tell an adult you trust. Report it too
- When reading news online, ask yourself what the source is, when it was published, and whether it could be a hoax or made up. Read beyond the headline too
- Remember, people try to make their lives look more exciting and interesting online. There’s a lot people can do with photo editing to make their photos look better. So don’t assume everything you see is a true-to-life representation
- Watch out for hoaxes and scams, like messages you’re meant to forward on or that ask you for payment details or your password
- Take any content that seems to glamourise gang lifestyles with a very large pinch of salt – it’s not as glamorous as it looks. Be wary of schemes promising easy cash for receiving and transferring money too, they’re almost definitely criminal activity
- Watch out for loot boxes or other parts of games where you pay money to take a chance on getting a reward – you can get sucked into spending lots of money on them
Source: The Key Safeguarding (
Don’t feel confident starting a conversation with your child about what they’re up to online? Read this advice from the NSPCC:
Sextortion – a guide for parents
Sextortion is when victims (often teenage boys) are tricked into sending nudes and then blackmailed for financial gain. Perpetrators will pose as young, attractive girls online and spark up conversations. They will find out details about them and soon turn the conversation to things of a sexual nature. They then ask them to send nude images or to go on webcam, naked. Once this happens, the offender will send a message telling them that they have the images saved and will publish them online and send them to their school and their families, unless they pay them.
Source: Two troubling new safeguarding trends to be aware of | Tes
You can find more information and a useful guide to help parents prevent and deal with incidences of sextortion on the Internet Matters website HERE.
Support over the holidays
Please find links below to organisations providing support over the summer holiday period:
Mental Health:
Food Banks:
Kids Eat for Free and other meal deals:
Money Saving Expert cheap restaurant deals
From all of us here at Stone Lodge School, we hope you have a wonderfully relaxing summer with friends and family. We will look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 and 12 on Tuesday 3 September and for all other year groups on Wednesday 4 September.
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher