Introducing our new Librarian, Mrs Nguyen who joins us with extensive experience across the legal and education sectors. Prior to working within education Mrs Nguyen was a lawyer specialising in employment law. “I am passionate about supporting students to forge a life-long love of reading for pleasure! I am currently speaking with students during their library lessons to discover what stories, books and magazines interest them, to make sure we are specifically tailoring our library to include new and exciting titles such as manga novels, fictions series and magazines to ignite their imagination and inspire them to become avid readers!” The Library is open at break, lunchtime and after school for students to borrow and exchange books and for quiet reading or study. Our webpage has further information and can be read here.
Mr Proctor’s Year 8 PE students have been exploring sports leadership. In this lesson students have been developing training sessions to help improve football shooting techniques and strengthen teamwork and cooperation. These lessons instil leadership qualities and mindset as well as demonstrating career paths within the sports industry. Our sixth form SL6 offers a BTEC Level 3 extended Certificate/Diploma in Sport (click to read more) To find out more about careers within the Sports and Leisure please click here
It’s been an emphatic week for extra-curricular fixtures: Mr Proctor’s Year 10 football team embracing a 4-0 come back at half time in the Kent Cup to win 4-3 on penalties to progress to the round of 16. Well done to all players!
Additionally, Mr Proctor’s Year 7 football team achieved a record scoreline of 9-0 in their brand-new kits! The highest in SLS history!
Remembrance Sunday. Thank you to Flourish of Y11 and Judah of Y9 who together with Mrs Pritchard represented Stone Lodge School at the Stone St Mary Remembrance service at the Stone Rec. Flourish commented “It was a poignant event uniting the local community and provided an opportunity to reflect of the sacrifices made by others on our behalf and was a very moving act of remembrance.”
Congratulations to all those students who earned places at our recent Reward breakfasts. In each year group the form with the most House Points celebrated their success with their Form Tutor, Head of Year and Pastoral Wellbeing Manager. Congratulations to 10D, 9C, 8E, 7D. Year 11 students were nominated by the Head of Year. Those nominated had shown consistent dedication to their studies both in lesson and during revision.
Mr Muzio recently sent home a letter to all parents and carers regarding our expanded team of instrument and singing tutors who are supporting the wider music curriculum for all students. For anyone who missed this communication, further information on instrument and/or singing lessons (including guidance on costs) can be found by visiting Music & The Arts – Stone Lodge School. You can apply or lesson by completing our online application form by clicking here or your child can collect an application form from reception or the music department.
SL6 Update from our Sixth Form SL6 correspondent Olivia Demetriou-Shaw. Our Careers Advisor has been supporting us as we draft course, job and apprenticeship applications. Y13 student Harry P has been working on degree apprenticeship applications and commented; “don’t underestimate the value of preparation prior to completing the application process and advises, make sure you have thoroughly researched the company and role and that each has a tailored CV and accompanying letter. I found the process incredibly challenging as it includes online assessments as well as online and in person interviews”. There are plenty of resources available to support your preferred options and their application process. We value the support parent/carers can provide to their children to inform their career choices. The following excellent free Digital Guides for parent/carers on university, apprenticeships and careers are packed with information to help you to support your child with their career choices. For more details and to sign up:
Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 (
Career mag for parents & carers Careermag for Parents | Careermap
Free resources. The Parents’ Guide to provides parents and carers with the information they need at GCSE and sixth form to help their teenage children create successful futures. Free resources | The Parents’ Guide (
Please join me in congratulating Eva W of Year 11 who has already raised over £3,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Ava is both an inspiration to us all … and an exceptional friend and member of our Stone Lodge community. Ava, spoke about her chosen charity and fundraising during assemblies.
“In February this year my world completely turned upside down when my best friend, Issy was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma (A rare type of bone and soft tissue cancer). I used to scroll past things like this and feel pity for the people in the situation, but I’ve now realised how important listening to people’s stories and helping people is. Issy is more than just a sad story, she’s a friend, a daughter, a sister, a student. She loves music, concerts, calling her friends, going out – anything a normal 16-year-old would. Over the past months I’ve seen Issy completely ‘own’ having cancer, she takes every single positive out of it that she possibly can and it’s inspired me to be more confident and to stop worrying about the little things that don’t matter. Issy has been having intense Chemotherapy and six weeks of Radiotherapy, ending in early November. She was given a 20-30% chance of surviving yet she’s managed to complete her treatment in less than a year, also having one of the most successful treatments ever for this type of cancer.
My friend Autumn and I searched for something to really show we care and agreed that raising money for a charity Issy holds very close to her heart was the way to go. So many people at Teenage Cancer Trust have changed Issy’s entire experience and for that we are so grateful. To raise this money, I walked to every station the circle line in London during October half term, I want to show Issy how proud I really am of her and how much she means to me. I understand that different people have different circumstances, anything counts, no matter how little. if you can’t donate but still want to help, sharing on social media or with friends would be appreciated – please click here
Thank you so much to anyone who donated or shared, I feel so grateful to be able to give back to the people that saved my best friend and will go on to save many more teenagers. We Love You, Issy you’ve taught the both of us there is so much more to life than we think and every second is worth cherishing, we can take something good out of any negative situation no matter how awful the circumstances are.”
KCC have shared the below, free of charge, courses.
Forthcoming Dates;
Post 16 Parents Evening – 16th November
Year 11 mocks – 20th November – 1st December
Year 9 Parents Evening – 30th November
Year 7 Carol Service – 6th December 12.30 – 3.30pm & 7th December 9.30am – 12pm
SL6 Open Evening – 7th December
Year 11 one-to-one Career Interviews – 12th December
Music Concert – 13th & 14th December 7pm
Year 13 one-to-one Career Interviews – 19th December
Last Day of Term & Non-uniform Day – 12noon 20th December
First Day of Term 3 – 4th December
PTFA Update. You are all welcome to attend The PTFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on the 21st November in the school hall at 6:30pm – we welcome the opportunity meet some more new members and volunteers.
Chair’s statement
Hello, I’m Hayley, mum to a Year 11 student and I’ve had the privilege of calling myself the Chair of Stone Lodge School’s PTFA for the past 5 years.
It’s been a joy and a privilege to have supported the students with many events and projects within the school; the proudest for me is the provision of books and furniture for the library. Who knew it wasn’t a legal requirement for a secondary school to have a library? With all we know about the importance of reading for children’s chances in life and now we have a well-stocked and beautifully appointed library for all students to enjoy.
The pre-loved uniform shop is also something that supports our families, it was originally run from our homes, so thanks to Stone Lodge for providing space and giving us back our cupboards and sheds! I would like to thank the school for allowing us in and to run so many of our ideas, my best hope for the future is that the PTFA grows in its reach and scope and continues to enrich the community of the school.
It’s now time for change, for new ideas and for new parents and carers to take over. I would like to wish the ongoing PTFA all the success in the world!
With all good wishes from your outgoing Chair, Hayley
PTFA positions to be elected are Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Chair. The main responsibility of the Chair is to provide leadership in for the committee in meetings and to ensure that an agenda is set and worked through. The Chair must make sure that issues are debated fairly and that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. The Chair supports the committee to make decisions and implement them. For this role we need someone enthusiastic about getting involved in the life of the school and driven to take positive action.
Treasurer. The treasurer is accountable for overseeing the financial matters of the committee. This includes keeping accurate financial records. The treasurer must present a financial report at each Parent Council/PTFA meeting as well as liaising with the bank and holding the cheque book. They must ensure the proper banking of money and making approved payments. This role needs someone numerate bookkeeping ability.
Secretary. The secretary ensures that the PTFA’s activities run smoothly. They use their excellent communication and organisational skills to arrange meetings, take minutes and keep records. The secretary will provide the communications link between the PTFA and the school and ensure that any events are well promoted.
All three posts will be up for election. This is an exciting time to take more of an active role in the life of Stone Lodge School, now that it is on its way to being a full secondary school, now is the time to seek to further embed a real sense of connectivity between parents and carers and the school.
Could you play an essential role in that? Please email any expressions of interest to [email protected]
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher
Introducing our new Librarian, Mrs Nguyen who joins us with extensive experience across the legal and education sectors. Prior to working within education Mrs Nguyen was a lawyer specialising in employment law. “I am passionate about supporting students to forge a life-long love of reading for pleasure! I am currently speaking with students during their library lessons to discover what stories, books and magazines interest them, to make sure we are specifically tailoring our library to include new and exciting titles such as manga novels, fictions series and magazines to ignite their imagination and inspire them to become avid readers!” The Library is open at break, lunchtime and after school for students to borrow and exchange books and for quiet reading or study. Our webpage has further information and can be read here.
Mr Proctor’s Year 8 PE students have been exploring sports leadership. In this lesson students have been developing training sessions to help improve football shooting techniques and strengthen teamwork and cooperation. These lessons instil leadership qualities and mindset as well as demonstrating career paths within the sports industry. Our sixth form SL6 offers a BTEC Level 3 extended Certificate/Diploma in Sport (click to read more) To find out more about careers within the Sports and Leisure please click here
It’s been an emphatic week for extra-curricular fixtures: Mr Proctor’s Year 10 football team embracing a 4-0 come back at half time in the Kent Cup to win 4-3 on penalties to progress to the round of 16. Well done to all players!
Additionally, Mr Proctor’s Year 7 football team achieved a record scoreline of 9-0 in their brand-new kits! The highest in SLS history!
Remembrance Sunday. Thank you to Flourish of Y11 and Judah of Y9 who together with Mrs Pritchard represented Stone Lodge School at the Stone St Mary Remembrance service at the Stone Rec. Flourish commented “It was a poignant event uniting the local community and provided an opportunity to reflect of the sacrifices made by others on our behalf and was a very moving act of remembrance.”
Congratulations to all those students who earned places at our recent Reward breakfasts. In each year group the form with the most House Points celebrated their success with their Form Tutor, Head of Year and Pastoral Wellbeing Manager. Congratulations to 10D, 9C, 8E, 7D. Year 11 students were nominated by the Head of Year. Those nominated had shown consistent dedication to their studies both in lesson and during revision.
Mr Muzio recently sent home a letter to all parents and carers regarding our expanded team of instrument and singing tutors who are supporting the wider music curriculum for all students. For anyone who missed this communication, further information on instrument and/or singing lessons (including guidance on costs) can be found by visiting Music & The Arts – Stone Lodge School. You can apply or lesson by completing our online application form by clicking here or your child can collect an application form from reception or the music department.
SL6 Update from our Sixth Form SL6 correspondent Olivia Demetriou-Shaw. Our Careers Advisor has been supporting us as we draft course, job and apprenticeship applications. Y13 student Harry P has been working on degree apprenticeship applications and commented; “don’t underestimate the value of preparation prior to completing the application process and advises, make sure you have thoroughly researched the company and role and that each has a tailored CV and accompanying letter. I found the process incredibly challenging as it includes online assessments as well as online and in person interviews”. There are plenty of resources available to support your preferred options and their application process. We value the support parent/carers can provide to their children to inform their career choices. The following excellent free Digital Guides for parent/carers on university, apprenticeships and careers are packed with information to help you to support your child with their career choices. For more details and to sign up:
Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 (
Career mag for parents & carers Careermag for Parents | Careermap
Free resources. The Parents’ Guide to provides parents and carers with the information they need at GCSE and sixth form to help their teenage children create successful futures. Free resources | The Parents’ Guide (
Please join me in congratulating Eva W of Year 11 who has already raised over £3,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Ava is both an inspiration to us all … and an exceptional friend and member of our Stone Lodge community. Ava, spoke about her chosen charity and fundraising during assemblies.
“In February this year my world completely turned upside down when my best friend, Issy was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma (A rare type of bone and soft tissue cancer). I used to scroll past things like this and feel pity for the people in the situation, but I’ve now realised how important listening to people’s stories and helping people is. Issy is more than just a sad story, she’s a friend, a daughter, a sister, a student. She loves music, concerts, calling her friends, going out – anything a normal 16-year-old would. Over the past months I’ve seen Issy completely ‘own’ having cancer, she takes every single positive out of it that she possibly can and it’s inspired me to be more confident and to stop worrying about the little things that don’t matter. Issy has been having intense Chemotherapy and six weeks of Radiotherapy, ending in early November. She was given a 20-30% chance of surviving yet she’s managed to complete her treatment in less than a year, also having one of the most successful treatments ever for this type of cancer.
My friend Autumn and I searched for something to really show we care and agreed that raising money for a charity Issy holds very close to her heart was the way to go. So many people at Teenage Cancer Trust have changed Issy’s entire experience and for that we are so grateful. To raise this money, I walked to every station the circle line in London during October half term, I want to show Issy how proud I really am of her and how much she means to me. I understand that different people have different circumstances, anything counts, no matter how little. if you can’t donate but still want to help, sharing on social media or with friends would be appreciated – please click here
Thank you so much to anyone who donated or shared, I feel so grateful to be able to give back to the people that saved my best friend and will go on to save many more teenagers. We Love You, Issy you’ve taught the both of us there is so much more to life than we think and every second is worth cherishing, we can take something good out of any negative situation no matter how awful the circumstances are.”
KCC have shared the below, free of charge, courses.
Forthcoming Dates;
Post 16 Parents Evening – 16th November
Year 11 mocks – 20th November – 1st December
Year 9 Parents Evening – 30th November
Year 7 Carol Service – 6th December 12.30 – 3.30pm & 7th December 9.30am – 12pm
SL6 Open Evening – 7th December
Year 11 one-to-one Career Interviews – 12th December
Music Concert – 13th & 14th December 7pm
Year 13 one-to-one Career Interviews – 19th December
Last Day of Term & Non-uniform Day – 12noon 20th December
First Day of Term 3 – 4th December
PTFA Update. You are all welcome to attend The PTFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on the 21st November in the school hall at 6:30pm – we welcome the opportunity meet some more new members and volunteers.
Chair’s statement
Hello, I’m Hayley, mum to a Year 11 student and I’ve had the privilege of calling myself the Chair of Stone Lodge School’s PTFA for the past 5 years.
It’s been a joy and a privilege to have supported the students with many events and projects within the school; the proudest for me is the provision of books and furniture for the library. Who knew it wasn’t a legal requirement for a secondary school to have a library? With all we know about the importance of reading for children’s chances in life and now we have a well-stocked and beautifully appointed library for all students to enjoy.
The pre-loved uniform shop is also something that supports our families, it was originally run from our homes, so thanks to Stone Lodge for providing space and giving us back our cupboards and sheds! I would like to thank the school for allowing us in and to run so many of our ideas, my best hope for the future is that the PTFA grows in its reach and scope and continues to enrich the community of the school.
It’s now time for change, for new ideas and for new parents and carers to take over. I would like to wish the ongoing PTFA all the success in the world!
With all good wishes from your outgoing Chair, Hayley
PTFA positions to be elected are Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Chair. The main responsibility of the Chair is to provide leadership in for the committee in meetings and to ensure that an agenda is set and worked through. The Chair must make sure that issues are debated fairly and that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. The Chair supports the committee to make decisions and implement them. For this role we need someone enthusiastic about getting involved in the life of the school and driven to take positive action.
Treasurer. The treasurer is accountable for overseeing the financial matters of the committee. This includes keeping accurate financial records. The treasurer must present a financial report at each Parent Council/PTFA meeting as well as liaising with the bank and holding the cheque book. They must ensure the proper banking of money and making approved payments. This role needs someone numerate bookkeeping ability.
Secretary. The secretary ensures that the PTFA’s activities run smoothly. They use their excellent communication and organisational skills to arrange meetings, take minutes and keep records. The secretary will provide the communications link between the PTFA and the school and ensure that any events are well promoted.
All three posts will be up for election. This is an exciting time to take more of an active role in the life of Stone Lodge School, now that it is on its way to being a full secondary school, now is the time to seek to further embed a real sense of connectivity between parents and carers and the school.
Could you play an essential role in that? Please email any expressions of interest to [email protected]
Best wishes,
Gavin Barnett
Head Teacher